in a laaarge cafe more like a gallery
narrow and metallic
i met a girl who planned to fly away
the only way was to steal a capsule 
and leave the planet
she had to do it under the noses of the bureaucrats
the warmongers and their male bosses
because she was a girl and not only a girl but a prisoner of the system itself
what they were keeping prisoner was her intelligence
kept in this grand cafe full of metallurgy 
utilising geomancy to place fear within the others
but she could see right through it
they kept her a prisoner there because they were scared she would free the others
this was true she would do it
but she also knew that the only way was to save herself first
to hide as if asleep for a time
and when they came looking for her 
to use her gown of grace to evade the guard
she would flit slowly often like a candle flame
and with the help of the others underground
she went undeterred by the ignorant bureaucrats 
she climbed the steps right in front of their very eyes and they didn’t stop her
they let it happen because she believed it so much and had such strong power of will that those who wished to stop her the most also believed in her despite themselves
and they watched her climb the stairs to the capsule
only when it was too late did they get wary
and run over to find her sealed beneath the glass pressing palettes
they were brought back to their senses so quickly
they did not see the error of their ways but quickly decided that they had been right 
and so destroyed their own egos because her victory was inevitable
they were perplexed
they thought they were the only ones in control
but even this did not humble some of them
so they went on destroying themselves and throwing the blame at each other

during which time she was exploring the universe


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